7 vs 7 (6 plus a goalie)
Size 3 ball
10 minute quarters
1 minute between quarters
5 minutes at half
Punting is allowed
Offsides is called
No headers
No slide tackles
Build out line should be in orange or other color (about half way between top of box and half field)
Goal kick taken from anywhere inside of goal box (not penalty area)
7 vs 7 (6 plus a goalie)
Size 4 ball
12 minute quarters
1 minute between quarters
5 minutes at half
Punting is allowed
Offsides is called
No headers
No slide tackles
Build out line should be in orange or other color (about half way between top of box and half field)
Goal kick taken from anywhere inside of goal box (not penalty area)
11 vs 11 (10 plus a goalie) or 9v9 (8 plus a keeper)
Size 4 ball
15 minute quarters
1 minute between quarters
5 minutes at half
Punting is allowed
Offsides is called
Slide Tackle is allowed
No headers
Goal kick taken from anywhere inside of goal box (not penalty area)
9v9 (8 plus a keeper)
Size 5 ball
15 minute quarters
1 minute between quarters
5 minutes at half
Punting is allowed
Offsides is called
Slide Tackle is allowed
Heading is allowed